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"Fun & Friendly Chat & Games since 1995"
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Chat Commands 1
Private Messages
Who Is Online
Cool Icons
Describe Action
Changing Rooms
Change Nickname
Flush Messages
Ignore a Chatter
Prevent Summons
Reflect Summons
List Rooms
The Help Command
Quit Chat
Chat Commands

 Who Is Online

This command lists all the users online with the user's IP, room, and /comment. Operator IP's have hash '#' marks on each side and Committee IP's have two hash '##' marks on each side.

/whois [nick] or /whois [text]

This command allows you to do a search for a nickname, IP, comment or chat room. A list of all users matching the search string is displayed. If an exact nickname is entered, it will show the user's IP address, location, and how many seconds they have been idle.

To get a list of all operators online, use "/whois #" since it will match the "#" marks on each side of the Operators' IP addresses.

/who or /who [room]

The /who [room] command will list all users at the specified room, if you just use /who it will show users in your current room.


/color [color code] or /color [red|green|blue|purple] or /color -

Alamak Chat Operators (members) can use /color at any time and can /give or /grant color to one other user.

If you are given or granted by an Operator you can set your text color using the /color command. The color code can either be in six digit hexidecimal RRGGBB format or a valid color name. Visit the Color List page for a list of valid colors.

 Cool Icons

// or //[icon] or /icon in the middle of a line or message

Hey you all /nosmoking in here!

Hey you all in here!

Alamak Chat Operators (members) can use icons at any time and can /grant the ability of one other user to use icons.

If you are granted by an Operator just type // to see a list of our current icons. You can then click on the one you want to post it into the message field. To see an index there is a link there MORE ICON HELP which shows page my page icons with the name.

If you have been granted you can type for example /nosmoking to display the no-smoking icon in the middle of your text.

Icons are contributed by users and Ops and installed by the Committee if approved. Icons are also sometimes deleted by office staff, so beware sometimes the icon you want has been removed. Personally I find this irritating but it's worth it to keep the icon directory clean.

Mainly (authors moment to complain) it would be good if people who removed icons named /hug and leave icon /hug2 would just put /hug2 as /hug and remove /hug2 so that /hug still works! If we have more than one /hug then use /hug2. Just a pointer :)

 Describe Action

/d [text]

Describe can be used to express how a person is feeling or what they are doing. The text is printed to the channel following an asterisk "*" and nickname. So if user Johnny typed "/d flings blue Jello at Anne!" then it would show up on the channel as "* Johnny flings blue Jello at Anne!". Note: at this time /bo /bl /it and /pic will not work in combination with a describe.

 Changing Rooms

/join [room]

Near the bottom of the page will be a pulldown selector that allows you to change rooms. Just click on this and select a new room, when you hit Enter or POST you will be transfered to the new room.

You can also use something like /join Doorstep to change to the Doorstep.

You can also type /list, this will show you a list of all rooms in the server, though not the rooms in other servers. You can then click on a new room to join.

Finally, you can use the /menu command to toggle menu mode. This turns off the room pulldown and can speed up your chatting alot. The pulldown is replaced with a link which allows you to CLICK and get a list of rooms, click on the new room to change. To get the normal pulldown just type /menu again.

Some rooms may be locked. If the room is locked, a message will be displayed giving details of the Operator who locked it. The only way to enter a locked area is to be summoned. Public rooms cannot be locked and can always be joined.

Like nicknames, rooms are case sensitive, but the /join command has a built-in smart feature that will search upper and lower case alternatives. For example, if a user types "/join doorstep" it will guess that the user wishes to join "Doorstep" and not create a new room called "doorstep".

You can create a new room by typing "/join [new_room_name]".

Alamak Chat is divided into Servers and Rooms. Each Server has it's own Rooms. Some Servers are located on machines in USA while others are overseas for faster access for our international chatters. You can type /join Server_1, /join Server_2, /join Server_ME, /join Server_TR, /join Server_MY, or /join Server_SG to change servers. Some rooms counts will not be listed on our main page if the machine is not in the same group.
  1. Server_1 Main Chat Server
  2. Server_2 International Rooms
  3. Server_3 Arabia, Pakistan, and Turkey (used to be TR)
  4. Server_MY Malaysia Server
  5. Server_SG Singapore (singlish),Alamak (singapore malay speaking room), LittleIndia (indian speaking)

 Change Nickname

/nick [new_nickname]

Use this command to change your nickname without leaving the chat.

You will not be able to change your nick to a name someone else is already using or to an Operator reserved nickname. Logins with the same nick as one already in use will bounce the login with a nickname invalid message.

 Flush Messages

/fl or /fl [text]

Currently the server automatically flushes private messages after a few minutes. The /fl command clears the private message buffer immediately.

You can also selectively clear messages. If you want to clear any messages with the word 'sex' in it you can type /fl sex.

 Ignore a Chatter

/ig [nick]

Ignore blocks all private messages and flushes the current message buffer. To turn on ignore, type "/ig" ; to turn it off, type "/ig" again. Typing /ig [nick] allows you to block messages from all users matching the address of [nick] but allows you to receive messages from all other users.

 Prevent Summons


Null prevents summoning and functions as a toggle, this means you type /null again to allow summoning. It has no apparent effect other than a notice saying that you are protected and you will not be notified when it blocks a summons.

 Reflect Summons


Reflect was added back fairly recently and has the effect that it prevents summons and reverses the 'spell' such that the user who did the summons arrives in your room instead with an amusing departure and arrival message in the old and new rooms respectively. This of course works like a plain /summon if your current room is locked. Use /reflect again to turn it off.

 List Rooms


The /list command provides a list of all rooms currently in use. The first column indicates the status of the room with "O" representing open rooms and "L" for locked. This is followed by the number of users in the room and the name of the room. Public rooms cannot be locked but custom rooms created by Operators are locked at the time of creation. There are public rooms that do not appear in the pull-down menu on the chat page but are usually shown in the pull-down menu on the login page.

 The Help Command


All users should know this command, it is a good quick reference if you forgot how to use a command or learn new commands! It is also the most up-to-date help on the chat commands.

The /help command displays a short listing of all commands and is the BEST and most COMPLETE quick reference for commands on the chat. New commands will show up here before they show up on this page!

Note: All commands 'except m' begin with a forward slash "/". Some commands can be made more specific by adding information such as the options indicated by the square brackets. Substitute your own text in place of the brackets and the enclosed option.

 Quit Chat

/quit [text]

Quit logs you out of the chat. Using /quit is better than just leaving the chat since people you are chatting to will know you have left. Also, if you leave without a /quit, new users will not have access to the slot for an additional 5 minutes if the server is full.

Note: Operators can leave [text] in their sign-off message as they leave the chat.
