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Opera is fast, runs under Windows and unix and is independently developed. If you get Opera for Windows get the new Opera 7, it supports flash and java! Opera 6 works under unix (Xwindows) and is very fast. We have no configuration notes for Opera but it does take a little getting used to!

 Internet Explorer

We've have some suggestions for users using Internet Explorer. First if you
  1. Don't use IE 3.0 or lower (buggy)
  2. Don't use IE 5.5 (crashes in frames mode after awhile)

You might also want to change some other settings especially if you have problems with auto-complete and the page not refreshing!
  1. Go under Tools / Internet Options / General / Temporary Internet Files / Settings and CLICK Every visit to the Page
  2. Go under Tools / Internet Options / Content / Auto Complete and DESELECT Forms and User names and passwords on forms. Then Clear Forms and Clear Passwords and then shutdown and restart IE for the changes to take effect.
  3. Go under Tools / Internet Options / Advanced and DESELECT smooth scrolling. Smooth scrolling is rather nasty for frames and non-frames alike ( this is optional but I find it's better ).
  4. Save your eyes, de-select default windows colors and select a nice light gray background with black font!


For Netscape there is one Cache setting that should be changed.

  1. Go under Edit / Preferences / Click the Advanced pull down and select Cache then change the setting for Document in cache is compared to document on Network to EVERY TIME.
  2. Save your eyes, de-select default windows colors and select a nice light gray background with black font!
